Tuesday, February 6

Another Austin Oddity

So we went for our usual Sunday hike, me, my sis and my dog, Olive. This time we decided to stay more local and check out the Bull Creek Greenbelt. This trail was way better than last week's trail, in my book anyways. We walked along the creek the whole time which I know I love, but I think Olive loves even more.

We even had to cross the creek twice. It said in the book that you might get your toes a little wet. That was the biggest understatement of the year. The first crossing we decided to get shoeless which would be fine if it weren't February. So my feet were numb half way across but I couldn't stop cause I still had to get across the creek.

The weird thing about that crossing is that there was a random red fire hydrant in the middle of the creek. Weird? Yes! Random? Yes! Useful? Maybe.

So then the trail opened up into more of a field which was pretty with some hills surrounding. Then we met up with Highway 360. Well it was overhead. Another creek crossing. The trailblazers had placed manufactured stepping stones at this one. However most of the stones were slightly submerged so again the author was right in saying that you're toes would get a bit wet.

Then it plunged back into the woods before coming to a road crossing. Another bizarro thing. The creek literally crossed the road. Meaning that cars that drove that road had to drive through about a foot of water. Why not build a bridge?

Next we came up to this gorgeous, nice sized waterfall where we decided to stop for lunch. Olive spent the whole lunch jumping around in the water and turning rocks over. I'm not sure if she's looking for gold or attempting to fish?

The trail was an out and back but it was gorgeous out and the creek was full so I give this hike two enthusiastic thumbs up!

The real question is: If the fire hydrant is tapped into to fight a forest fire would the creek dry up?