Thursday, August 31

Words to Live By

You Gotta Be

Listen as your day unfolds,
challenge what your future holds
Try to keep your head up to the sky
Lovers they may cause you tears
Go ahead release your fears
Stand up and be counted,
don't be shamed to cry
You gotta be..

You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold, you gotta be wiser
You gotta hard, you gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, you gotta stay together.
All I know, all I know
Love will save the day

Herald what your mother said
Read the books your father read
Try to solve the puzzle in your own sweet time
Some may have more cash than you
Others take a different view
My oh my, you gotta be..

Time asks no questions, it goes on without you
Leaving you behind if you can't stand the pace
The world keeps on spinning, can't stop it if you tried to
The best part is danger staring you in the face

Got to be bad. Got to be bold. Got to be wise.
Don't ever be cold
Got to be hard.
Not too, too hard
All I know is, love will save the day

A Sense of Purpose

This past week I've really been struggling with my sense of purpose. Everyone has gone back to school. It's weird. I go to work everyday and yes I have my assigned duties. But then I get home and have nothing to do. No obligations. No homework. No nothing.

Sometimes I feel like I am just trying to fill up my free time with meaningless activities. Knitting, volunteering, playing soccer. What am I accomplishing? It doesn't seem like a whole lot.

Even if I hated the assignment in school I still felt accomplished after I'd completed it. I feel so unaccomplished now.

Boo to growing up.

Tuesday, August 29

Why I Am Where I Am

Why did I choose Austin? I ask myself that very same question almost everyday. I'm not sure what the answer is. Other than I needed out of New Jersey and away from that life. I needed to start over - on my own. And the hot weather is definitely a bonus after 4 years at a school where it snows most the year.

I'm not saying I don't support my choice because I do. I think I make these kind of decisions a lot in my life. I decide something, and maybe there's no real reason, but I follow through with that decision. Sometimes they result in successes and other times failures. I hope that this one will be a success. If it's not though, I won't ever regret the decision. I will be thankful to have at least experienced Austin and what it has to offer.

I am content here right now. I've got a steady job and a great apartment. And my sister is moving down on Friday. Knowing me I'll change my mind eventually and have to pack up and move somewhere new. I think my life might always be like this. Moving from one place to another. My attention can't be held for that long.

But for now I am happy. And content. In Austin.