Tuesday, August 29

Why I Am Where I Am

Why did I choose Austin? I ask myself that very same question almost everyday. I'm not sure what the answer is. Other than I needed out of New Jersey and away from that life. I needed to start over - on my own. And the hot weather is definitely a bonus after 4 years at a school where it snows most the year.

I'm not saying I don't support my choice because I do. I think I make these kind of decisions a lot in my life. I decide something, and maybe there's no real reason, but I follow through with that decision. Sometimes they result in successes and other times failures. I hope that this one will be a success. If it's not though, I won't ever regret the decision. I will be thankful to have at least experienced Austin and what it has to offer.

I am content here right now. I've got a steady job and a great apartment. And my sister is moving down on Friday. Knowing me I'll change my mind eventually and have to pack up and move somewhere new. I think my life might always be like this. Moving from one place to another. My attention can't be held for that long.

But for now I am happy. And content. In Austin.

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